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Space Geek Rising

How to begin? “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times….” No, too indecisive. “Now is the winter of our discontent made summer by this son…” Nah, too….too….too Shakespeare. Okay, I guess I’ll just have to go with this. This is a great time to be live if you are a fan of space either IRL or in the theatre.

President Trump has directed the Pentagon to begin to develop a sixth branch of the military: the Space Force. It’s not so far fetched an idea. NASA from its inception has always been at least in part about national defense. Sure, they put a man on the moon , but the only reason D.C. devoted 4% of our nation’s GDP to the project was all that research was also applicable to cold war missile technology. Even PBS Cosmos’ star Neil DeGrasse Tyson supports Trump’s idea. “America has significant assets in space. It only makes sense to protect them. If the dinosaurs had a Space Force, they would still be here today.” Yep. I can see that. Imagine the damage to the US military and industry if our GPS and other communications systems were taken down. No more “Pokemon, Go” would be the least of our problems.

In a galaxy far, far away things are also cranking away – literally. As Disney turns the money handle to produce more and more Star Wars films and licensed products, there is no end in sight. Don’t be fooled gang. These intervening films in the odd years are not just “backstory.” It is Disney flexing its production muscles. Star Wars Episode IX will not be the last. Too much money in it. There will always be another generation to market the films and cartoons to. BTW, allow me let you in on a little secret. While “Last Jedi” may have the lock on the most despised franchised film at the moment, let me draw your attention to what may be the best: Star Wars: Rebels. This is the tool that Disney is using to set up the harvest of the next generation. You owe yourself to watch this animated series: best at recreating the original feel of Episode IV.

Even Star Trek has lifted its venerable head to the stars once again on both the big and small screen. In 2017 enter stage left a shirttail relation: The Orville. While not part of the franchise (and meant as “Star Trek Lite” or “Star Trek for the rest of us”), this parody rises above its crude humor by the end of season one to deliver some great effects and surprisingly mature, thought provoking plots. Then center stage is Star Trek: Discovery. It is a well done and suitable heir apparent to the mantle and crown of Star Trek fandom. Complex story lines that intersect with TOS characters, it will begin its second season later this year; with Captain Christopher Pike at the helm of the Discovery.

But, wait. There is still more. There is more in the proverbial wings, Mark Hamill opines on the dramatic impact the return of Luke Skywalker has had on the sci-fi world. To which Sir Patrick Stewart says: “Hold my tea, Earl Gray, hot.” Yes, if you haven’t heard it already: Picard is back. He won’t be at the helm of the Enterprise, but this “unknown Shakespearean actor” as the LA Times once called him, will once again touch our lives.

Yes. This is a indeed a great time to be a Space Geek.

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