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Will you lend a hand?

If you are a reader, you’ve been there. You’ve been at a book signing or a convention and seen a series of books or author’s presentation that is awesome. For whatever reason, you find yourself short on cash (You just had to buy that David Tenant “Dr. Who” bobble head with the 3-D glasses) and with the best intentions, you grab a business card for later. But, as they say, “life is what happens when you have other things planned.” The euphoria of the convention evaporates and the cares of the day rush in to take its place. Your intention to help support the struggling author is submerged beneath your own.

There is some good news, for you my brethren and sistern. You can make a difference - and a rather significant one at that. You can be a God send and encourage authors both emotionally and financially. (Take it from me, "struggling" and "artist" are flip sides of the same coin. Most authors would make more working at Chick-Fil-A.) Best of all, while you are dispensing all of this cheer and goodwill, it won’t cost you a cent. Allow me to elaborate.


1) Review the book on Amazon (or anywhere else for that matter). Amazon gives readers an opportunity to review the books they have read. All that is necessary is go to their site, fill in the title or author’s name in the search box and hit enter. A screen will come up allowing you to type in your reviews – be it short or long. There is also a chance to let others know how much you liked the book with a one to five star rating. Oh, and while you are, there, don’t forget to click on the little following button just beneath the image of the book cover. It will help you stay informed of what’s new in the series or by the same author.

2) Follow Us on Social Media

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  • Facebook: Star Seeker: Novels of the Third Colonial War

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  • Twitter: @StarSeekerBooks

  • Instagram: StarSeekerBooks

3) Tell a friend (or 50) about the author and the book. If Space Opera is your cup of tea, then chances are you know others who like the same thing. Star Seeker is most like Firefly and the Narnia franchises. Gangster saurians, musketeer bears and ninja lions – what’s not to like? Star Seeker is appropriate YA and NA Sci-Fi, but its mid-century modern feel and themes appeal to adults, too.

4) Say Hi! Talk to the author on social media. We love to hear from fans and get your input: what you’d like to see more of and what you would like to see less of. Authors do most of their work in isolation and need your feedback to help them turn out a better book. New ideas are welcome. Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up the dialogue. Oh, and “likes” on any page or post are also greatly appreciated.

5) Ask your local library to add these books to their collection. Not only does this help the author financially, but it makes it possible for hundreds of others (yourself included) to enjoy these books and the series in its entirety for free. The identification number (ISBN) is included to make things easier. Just swipe, copy and paste on your local library’s request page.

  • Perdition’s Pocket ISBN-13:978-1481164634 ISBN-10:1481164635

  • Nexus Nightmare ISBN-13:978-1481209953 ISBN-10:1481209957

  • The Garland Gambit ISBN-13:978-1481286992 ISBN-10:1481286994

  • The Osmani Affair ISBN-13:978-1481287074 ISBN-10:1481287079

  • Betrayal on Brachensclaw ISBN-13 978-1505530421 ISBN-10:1505530423

  • Lords of Luthoria ISBN-13:978-1974610129 ISBN-10:1974610128

  • Children of Charon ISBN-13:978-1515372554 ISBN-10:1515372553

  • Perils of Pyrax ISBN-13:978-1986039598 ISBN-10:1986039595

  • Sentinels of Cis ISBN-13:978-1721981304 ISBN-10:1721981306

These five ways are an excellent place to start to support us and Star Seeker as well as any other author. Keep these in mind the next time you want to support an author and his universe when you don’t have the finances to buy a book – or even when you do!

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