Ships of the Mosaic Tesselation
Before their attack on the Confederacy, almost nothing was known about this enigmatic alien race. As the colonists on Terminus explored their new world, they discovered a mysterious sensor array. Assuming that it had been left there by the Ministry of Colonization and Relocation, they disassembeled it and tucked it away in storage. The next exposure to the technology of the Mosaic Tesselation was when a single ship fired a torpedo at the CCM Carthage while it was unloading supplies and colonists for Terminus.
For the following year, the only sign of the Mozie were sporadic commerce raids along the Spinward Trail. These raids all followed the same pattern: swarms of smaller, lightly armed ships. Most all of the ships carried one or more kenetic torpedo. Some ships even carried ship's boats equipped with torpedos. Their drives and technology were inferior to those of the military, but superior to civilian and Celest Marchand vessels. The raids did little real damage (except to civilian morale) and were most likely attempts at probing Confederate defenses
The technological differences between the two societies in battle is almost insurmountable. While the CSS holds the weapons edge, the Mozie ships' interstellar flight is based on warp technology. The warp ring around their vessel makes that obvious, however, some ships have the ring and do not have warp capabilities. It may be an ascetic feature as well. Ship-to-ship combat with warp vessels is nearly impossible unless the Mozie chose to stand and fight. Once the Mozie ships have gone to warp, Confederate ships can't catch them. In normal space, Confederate ships have a significant speed advantage.
The first pitched battle was between the frigate CSN Freedom and a hoard of Mozie attack craft. On picket duty in the sensor shadow of Terminus' moon Cruden, Freedom fought valiantly, destroying nearly half the incoming vessels. Overwhelmed and her back broken, she died in defense of Terminus. The remaining Mozie ships ravaged the surface of the planet. Freedom's squadron mates rushed in to fill the gap. They neutralized most of the remaining attack craft, but paid a heavy cost as well. Reinforcements eventually arrived and cleansed the system of the remaining fragments of the Mozaic attack.
The next battle took place at the Naval base and depot on Ander. The attack here was totally different. Vessels attacked in pairs: one armed with kinetic torpedoes, the other with fusion projectors. While the torpedo boat lines up on target, its escort keeps any enemy craft at bay. About half of these ships were warp capable. The non warp ships presumably came from a warp carrier somewhere in system. The warp vessels dropped out of warp inside the orbit of Ander's moon. When challenged, they fired their torpedoes and warped out system. Their target was the orbital Navy base. The attack destroyed several space docked frigates that were survivors of Terminus and the main hub of the Naval facility. If not for the Confederate Marine Defense Force, the planet itseelf would have been severly damaged as well.
Terminus Scout A
The first Mosaic Tesselation encountered was this
simple scout craft. A warp capable vessel, it appears
to be lightly armed with only navigational lasers. Not
much more tha a silouette caught on passive sensors
at a listening station, it doesn't reveal much about their
ship's designs. There is, however, one cultural clue that
can be picked up from this artist's enhanced version of
the shadowy original. If the symbol in the middle is the
emblem of their nation, they must be a people in tune
with nature. It is believed that the blue hexes ringed with
fire orange represent the water-fire dycotomy (elements).
If so, then the yellow edged star in the middle might
represent the sky (sun) and the green fill, their planet of

Terminus Attack B
Equipped with heavy, fixed, forward
firing lasers, this ship also carries
five smaller ship's boats; each armed
with their own torpedo. In a well thought out, surprise attack, the main hull, four ship's boats and four launced torpedoes laid down a distraction for the Carthage's escorts. While they chased the Mozie vessels, a single one of the ship's
boats lay in wait, disguised in the debris field of a gas giant's ring. Once clear, the ship's boat fired the torpedo at the unprotected Carthage. If not for the heroic effort of the lone Scout vessel left behind, it would have been the worst space disaster and loss of life since the collision of the FFF Stockholm and the liner Lady Andrea Doria.
Ander Attack A
This particularly nasty little ship was seen in two variants at the attack on Ander. The one pictured at right was the "torpedo boat" of the paired ships, massing between 400 and 500 tons. Two torpedos were slung under the main hull and two more in a "scorpion" mount attached to the aft of the ship. This ship and its escort (Ander Attack B) could be the same basic ship: although power readings varied, dimensions were very nearly the same. The "B" had a fusion rojector in place of the lower torpedoes. Using "hit and run" tactics make the ships a formidable target. Warping in close to the target, firing, and then warping out makes it impossible not only to catch them, but to gather much information on their ships or race. This new evolution in battlefield tactics may be enough to counter the Confederates' superiority in technology, however it is dangerous for the Mozie ships. It is estimated that one in twenty do not survive the attempt.