'Till the Fat Alien Sings
In the early days of radio, fictional drama took to the air waves. No, not the news variety, but what we would think of as the daytime...
The Information Download
Normally, I'm not a great fan of writers writing about writing. To me, it always seems like an author has given up on real writing. While...
Writing about Writing about Writing.
“Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, do gym. Those who can’t do either, create the laws that govern education.” Literary...
Space Geek Rising
How to begin? “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times….” No, too indecisive. “Now is the winter of our discontent made...
Will you lend a hand?
If you are a reader, you’ve been there. You’ve been at a book signing or a convention and seen a series of books or author’s presentation...
What will you do at your first "Hollywood" Con?
Cons come in all shapes and sizes. If you know where to look, many small ones are free to attend (but rarely free to the vendor). The...
The Art of the Saving Throw
When a series of books approaches the million wordmark, it can become a challenge to stay new and fresh; to stay unpredictable. When...
The Least You Need To Know About Star Seeker.
It’s easy to forget as a Sci-Fi fan what a rare breed we are. Our genre requires not only a great deal of imagination, but at least some...
How Many Aliens Does It Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?
If you look at most Sci-Fi franchises, they are way past answering the question: “Are we alone in the universe?” The answer seems to not...
A Tale of Two Captains
Something happened; something changed. There were no fanfares or public service announcements, it just happened. It's easy to see if you...