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Preliminary Report: Satyr First Contact




To: His Excellency, Lord WIlliam Barclay, Duke of Langlais



From: The Honarable Sir Piyush Ferris, Governor of Terminus



Your Excellency,       


It became evident by the time our colonists discovered they were being watched by the Satyr, the Satyrs had been watching us for some time. If we have put the pieces together correctly, it is probable that we were being observed by at least two vessels before the "incident" at Terminus and for nearly a year afterwards. Colony officials have a fixed date for the first ship coninciding with a colonist who was found murdered outside the colony boundaries. After that, there were another six bodies found a random intervals, appearing to be targets of opportunity. The one thing they all had in common was that their heads had been surgically removed. No human member of the colony had the skill to do something like this or the ability to do so undetected. What the Satyrs would do with such a grizzly trophy we can only guess, but we don't think it was was to hang on a wall. More like they wanted to study the physiology of the heads for some reason.


Once the ship and the three aliens were discovered, the aslan contingent kept them pretty much at bay. We were able to set up a series of cameras to keep track of their comings and goings. Every once in a while, we would get too close and they would be spooked. They would then move the ship to another location and it would take us a week or two to find the ship again. They are clearly an advanced society, althoug perhaps not as advanced in some ways as ours. The main weapon aboard their small ship (about 75 tons) looks as if it was the kinetic torpedo that was launched at the CSM Carthage. We were able to observe the torpedo bay in the ship. Whever they came from, the poor devils are trapped here. There is no way that their small ship is Jump capable or even warp capable.


We have included videos of the aliens which we have treated on a need to know basis here. I'm sure you will follow the same protocols on your end as well. I am reluctant even to write a physical description of the alien here because the vid says it all. Needless to say, I feel that the Satyr designation is pretty accurate, seeming human except for the degitigrade stance. Of course, how you play this with the public is up to your office.


As for the motives of these aleins, who can say? I won't waste your time speculating on it other to wish that perhaps this is no more than two different ant colonies whose warriors bump into each other, skirmish and go home knowing where their new boundaries are set. In the meantime, we will do our best to prepare. Send us all you can, soon as you can, as often as you can.


May the Confederacy Grow and Prosper,



Lord Sir  Piyush Ferris

Grâce de Dieu,

Governor of Terminus



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