Star Seeker: Novels of the Third Colonial War
Welcome back to the Golden Age of Science Fiction where a quick draw with a blaster and even quicker wits saved the day. Star Seeker: Novels of the Third Colonial Wars was forged in the image of the stories Robert Heinlein was paid to pen in his early days with touches of Larry Niven, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Scott Card thrown in for good measure. It was a time when men and women conquered space, not with just technology, but with grit, determination and an indomitable will to overcome.
Our story begins with Midshipman Wesley Edwards and his friends, Jason, Todd and Theo, as cadets in the Confederate Stellar Systems' Scout Academy. The brightest and best of what their worlds have to offer, they begin their careers as young officers in the Star program, tasked with the responsibility of opening new worlds along the Spinward Trail. On the surface, their job is to build Class V starports; little more than a slab to provide a stable landing platform for colonists ships. In reality, they must conquer the dangers of space, alien planets and the less than savory riff-raff that drift among the stars seeking to prey on the weak.
The Star Seeker Universe is an exciting adventure in space for young adults and the young at heart. More than just a journey across the stars , it is a journey of the spirit as the teenage protagonists grow-up while finding their way in a hostile, alien universe. It’s a family friendly, fun series geared for teenagers who are interested in Sci-Fi adventure in the far future. So, if you’ve ever wanted to explore space, discuss the secrets of the universe with aliens or fight a desperate battle with space pirates, then look no further than Perdition’s Pocket and the other books in the Star Seeker Universe. Adventures in space; hours of family-friendly sci-fi fun.
Star Seeker: Science-Fiction that Matters.