CSC Xenodemographic Report:
The Osmani Empire
The Osmani are somewhat of an anamoly. When it comes to space flight, they are technically an Independent Category 1 race. The rest of their technology, is Medieval to Renaissance. Even so, they have managed to carve out a Jump 2 empire of their own. By some fluke, they discovered Warp Bubble technology before electricity (computers, sensors, etc.). Their contra gravity and Warp technologies (both applications of the same discoveries) have few applications other than the ability to move things very fast over long distances. While they use these technologies, they do not understand how they work – only that they do. There has been a great deal of trial and error to get them where they are today.
With their energies directed outward toward expansion, scientific research screeched to a halt, Electricity, computers, atmospheric control or advanced weapons systems are unknown. Local human worlds shudder in fear of the thought of the ursids gaining such technology. The entire Osmani Empire is interdicted by Confederate Scout Corps listening posts and patrols that monitor contact. The only place contact is permitted between the Confederacy and the Osmani is on the planet Osmon itself, and even that is highly regulate with human and aslan visitors restricted to selected areas of the "star port."
The local's name for the Empire is The Sixteen Worlds. Osmani is the Confederate name for the race, not the race’s name for itself. Humans first made contact at Osmon and the name stuck. What would loosely be called their capitol is where ever the Grand Council sits (usually Osman, Garret or Turilli). The Council is made up of a collection of planetary Dukes, Earls and lesser nobility, all accompanied by panoplied regiments of soldiers and retainers.
Travelers are warned to avoid coming within two parsec of Osmani worlds. While their technology defies standard definitions, they are culturally a balkanized feudal charismatic oligarchy according to the Namaan scale, with various factions grouped around charismatic leaders. The danger comes from the traditional way for young gentleman warriors to make a name for themselves by obtaining a letter of Marque and patrolling space looking for targets of opportunity. Using only the air in their ships supplemented by natural vegetation, they warp out – patrol as long as they dare – then return home. More than one Osmani ship has been found floating dead in space when a minor miscalculation has caused their fragile, primitive systems to fail.
While they are aware of the human stars around them, the average Osmani has a distorted view of the “demons from beyond the stars.” Humans are portrayed as aliens with no honor, desperately envious of the glory of the Osmani Empire who want to usurp the ursid's power and glory for themselves. They are victims of propaganda and a feudal system that discourages scientific inquiry. Their clerics believe they have learned all there is to know, anything outside of that is occult – spiritual as opposed to natural or scientific power. Despite this, the Osmani do not scare easily in the face of alien technology. The Osmani public image doesn’t fare much better in human space. They are frequently cast in the role of evil space villains in grade B vids.
The Osmani are an ursid race. Picture a swaggering, eight to ten foot tall Grizzly of old Earth with a sword, musket, plumed hat and tabard and you come close to the idea. Their fur is resistant to lasers and it requires a dozen or more shots from a handgun to kill one outright. Osmani weapons use black powder and fire much larger slugs than human weapons (three to four times) and consequently do much heavier damage.
Very few Osmani have made it off world with one exception. Due to a spatial anomaly, an entire ship load of Osmani soldiers crashed on a human world. Given their combative nature, the Osmani on board immediately regrouped and attacked, but were quickly overwhelmed. This brief conflict was the only recorded battle between Osmani and human forces on the ground. Until that time, the ursoids had only encountered human ships – mostly civilians. They had no idea what an organized human military force of a world could do. Tanks were a particular surprise since they have no comparable technology.
As individual soldiers, they are formidable fighters. Survivors of action against human targets have provided linguistic information and limited geo-political knowledge of the Empire. The average soldier, however, has little knowledge or personal experience beyond his own faction. Most of what he knows of other groups are rumors and what he has been told by his own leaders.
Guide to Osmani Lords
Duke Taran Cisella (The Shadow Lord)
Emblem: White Bear Paw, Colors: Green and Black
This charismatic leader is called the Shadow Lord because although his lands are poor, he holds great power. A capable administrator, he has little time for the “niceties” of court life and so is unlikely to rise any higher than his current rank. He is pragmatic, almost human in his actions and reactions, with a low tolerance for meaningless tradition. He has attracted capable ursoids of the same sort and promotes by ability, not family and connections; not necessarily a team player, but loyal to his word and allies. Because of his position, he has been delegated national security for the Empire where off-worlders are concerned. His job is to keep off world technology out of the hands of any faction to maintain the balance of power. If any single House were to obtain banned technology, the rest of the Houses would fall upon them and destroy them. Peace is maintained at the cost of stagnation.
Earl Elarg Sullo (House Tree Holm)
Emblem: Black Tree, Color: Red and Gold
Although he has the smallest army of any major house, it surpasses all the others in terms of quality. He has the only trained cavalry in the Empire. He is one of the few that has managed to domesticate the local Lynd (a quadruped, valued for its thick armor-like hide) in large numbers and tame them to the harness as a form of cavalry. He has also created a war-chariot – the first step toward infantry transport. As such, he is a favored companion of many of the larger houses. He is adept at skillfully pitting one against the other for favorable position. So far, he has managed to keep his secrets while avoiding any real action except when necessary. In one battle, he was pledged to both sides, so he sent his youngest son to fight for the underdog (without the chariots) to ensure the survival of his House should he lose. His reputation survived intact, but his youngest son did not.
Earl Sander Gaelle (House Boldheart)
Emblem: Gold severed bear arm with Broadsword, Color: Black
Earl Gaelle is nicknamed Boldheart because of his ferocity in combat. His personal prowess and imposing stature (even for an ursoid) inspires either instant fear or respect. His house is a fighting house and promotes the glory of Osmani personal combat to the detriment of unit tactics and training. The best individual fighters come from House Boldheart. Gaelle is not very adept at politics, and delegates most of that job to his wife, Pashke – which as far as we can tell is unusual for the Osmani. He prefers to sport, drink and game (gamble) with his retainers – something the other Lords despise him for. Although a prolific father, he has no surviving male cubs. His daughters have married indiscriminately into minor houses (lacking the father’s guidance or interest) and when he passes, it is likely to cause fractures throughout the Empire as minor factions scramble for the rich leavings. The major houses are unlikely to sit back idly as some minor usurper seeks to grab major power.
Bishop Rig Tombolo St. Tibbe (Brother Mountain)
Order of the Golden Wedge
Emblem: Upright Gold Wedge, Color: Black
Bishop Rig Tombolo, known as St. Tiibbe by his order, is the first among equals of the Order of the Golden Wedge. Called Brother Mountain because of his size (one of the few ursoids off worlders have ever seen that was overweight). The order takes their symbol from the instrument of martyrdom for their religious leader – who had his bones split for his radical message of the brotherhood of all ursoids and peace with their Maker. Bishop Tibbe is a patient and careful ursoid with a great ability to bring out the best in an ursoid and a capable administrator. With the diversity found within the order, he has difficulty controlling some of its baser elements. While the Order has a higher purpose, there are always those willing (and able) to exploit its power and resources for their own purposes. He is of noble birth himself, the younger son of a minor house, and is well liked by most of the other Lords. He is an important check in Osmani politics, keeping out of common frays, but able to throw his considerable weight around during a crisis. He does not commit himself to causes lightly. Rank equivalents within the Order are Bishop (General), Cardinal (Colonel), Preceptor (Major) Priest (Captain), Cleric (Lieutenant), Friar (NCO) with the rank and file known as Brothers.
Duke Daw Kaplan (House Sky Lord)
Emblem: White Flyer, Color: Read and Green Divided
One of the great star faring houses of the Osmani. The Duke has devoted his considerable fortune to maintaining the fleet that his ancestors spent centuries building. Ships built two centuries ago are still in use – technology has progressed that little. His family was the first to pioneer the use of ships for civilian transportation and shipping (why sail when you can fly?) Kaplan, aside from Baronet Tigrin, is the closest thing to a capitalist to be found among the Osmani. He believes in the value of contract law, something many of his peers have yet to grasp. Because of his desire not only to do business now, but in the future, he is known for dealing fairly. In times of Empire wide crisis, Kaplan is the Sky Lord, the admiral of the combined space fleets of the planets. That title is hereditary. He is as of yet untried in that capacity.
Duke Erid Brachensclaw (House Day Star)
Emblem: Red Star, Color: Black
House Day Star, while not one of the more powerful houses in the Empire is wide spread with many family connections outside of Duke Erid's personal holdings. None of the Sixteen Worlds is without a Brachensclaw member although many are only knights or baronets. This is because of the family policy of giving lands to every scion of the house and not disposessing any in favor of an older sibling. Personally, as Osmani go, Erid Brachensclaw is a decent fellow with few obvious vices. Except for his temper, he is a fairly even pawed lord. He is very concerned over his responsibilities to his people as their liege and is very impatient and openly critical of other Lords who do not see things in that light. He is, however, remarkably irreligious for his society and sees no value in the followers of the Order of the Wedge or the Church except when his goals match theirs. Ironically, Bishop Tibbe is a close personal friend: they grew up together before fate called them their separate ways. It has been said the Duke disinherited his third male cub for being a follower of the Way. His oldest son, Refin, is an ursoid of great charisma and battle experience.
Duke Hance Naldondo (The Confessor, aka The Just)
Emblem: Downward Silver Wedge, Color: Red
Duke Naldondo is one of the few Lords who takes his religion very seriously. While others pay lip service to the clerics, they basically do so only enough to keep the Church and God on their side and avoid censure and public condemnation. Naldondo is genuine in his devotion and tries his best to be just. His personal piety has caused him to withhold troops from fighting on a holy day. He is known to spend time in communion with his commanders before taking to the field of battle. No one who is not as devoted as he, fasting several times a week and giving to the clerics a portion of their wealth, can achieve a position of leadership within his house or as one of his followers. Most of his leaders are relatives. He has 12 sons, tall, handsome ursoids who have all pledged their allegiance to their oldest brother Stet. It is a blessing among Osmani to say, “May your family be as the Sons of Naldondo,” a wish for bounty and unity. Anyone who wishes to deal with Naldondo favorably should first enlist help from a cleric and study his faith. He values “true speech” above all else and is swift (and deadly) to deal with those who are deceitful.
Duchess Luthoria (Lady Heleana Luthor) (House Fire Holm)
Emblem: Blazing Tree Proper, Color: Blue
The Duchess Luthoria is the only female member of the Osmani Grand Counci. Her title, however, as the dowager duchess is in name only since the death of her husband, the Duke of Luthoria. Duke Naldando holds the planet in trust on behalf of the Council until the death of Lady Heleana. Until that time she is allowed to hold on to her husband's estates and live in his castle. While she doesn't hold much real power, she wields great influence and is much beloved by her people. Without any children of her own, Archduke Rince Garret, her sister's son, claims the planet as heir presumptive. While his claim is weak at best, no one has had the will to challenge him. Rumors are that Garret is not waiting for Lady Heleana to pass, instead working behind the scenes so he might prematurely swoop in and claim the berried crown.
Archduke Rince Garret (House Strong Tower)
Emblem: Black Tower, Color: Blue and gold
One of the two currently ruling (or alternately ruling?) Archdukes of Osmon. The junior of the two, his is an ancient house with a great many connections. Hardly an agency or organization exists anywhere in the Empire that doesn’t have one or more members of the Garret family or retainers (spies) within its ranks. The Duke himself is comparatively young (35) for one to command such power. It is rumored that he has a relative highly placed within the Pirate Brotherhood who does his bidding in the dark. If that is true, the two together would make a powerful force to reckon with. As for the Duke’s personal character, few are the ursoids that will talk about that subject above a whisper. He is known for plotting intrigues. With the Archduke, it is always plans, within plans, within plans. Nothing is ever quite what it seems. Garret rules an empire within an Empire from his home world of Garret. He also is the liege lord of Mallia and actively pursues his interests on other world either directly or through his surrogates.
Duke Dar Selden (Lord Harvin)
Emblem: Green Spaceship, Color: White and black
An ancient house in which the blood has thinned in more recent generations. It was Selden’s many great-grandsire that lead the first expedition off world in search of glory and perished in the attempt. While a brilliant ursoid, Duke Selden (aka Duke Seldom) is content to pursue the arts and dabbles in religion. He typically avoids involvement in the world of practical politics, but is well versed in the theory and philosophy behind it. He is, however, considered dangerous by Lords and clerics alike because of his great passion for science and its practical applications. He is a fair astronomer and physicists in his own right (by Osmani standards) and actively uses his resources to promote young ursoids with intellect and potential and an aptitude for science. He has founded the first (and so far only) University in Osmani Space, the University of Alond on the planet of that name. Ursoids of all rank (or no rank at all) can attend and attempt to better themselves. The University of Alond also boasts a covert research department sponsored by the Earl himself that houses untold secrets. The revenue from the inventions from this department provide for most of the University’s budget.
Archduke Farin Turilli (The Bloody Duke)
Emblem: Severed Human Head Proper, Colors: Red
When Turilli was a young officer, he personally led an assault on a human exploration vessel whose hapless crew made the mistake of “coming in peace.” When the human crew surrendered, he slaughtered them all. He adorned his family’s fortress wall with the heads of his fallen foes. It was then he abandoned his family's traditional family symbol of a native flower, replacing it with a severed human head. It was Turilli who coined the phrase, “The only good human is a dead human.” It is unknown if he really believes that or if it was just part of the show. Dangerous to friend and foe alike, Turilli is an ursoid given to great swings of mood and passion. The challenge is knowing what he is going to be passionate about at the moment. His mercurial temperament makes relationships with other houses tenuous, even the Brotherhood is unofficially afraid of him and lets his ships pass without incident. The one upside to dealing with Turilli is that he is not subtle, it is easy to see the gears turning in his mind – they are slow and very small. The astute observer can usually clear out of physical proximity before the Archduke blows up. While Turilli is the elder of the two Archdukes, his younger co-ruler manipulates him at will. It is unlikely that a Turilli will be an Archduke in the next generation.
Archduke Purslee (Lord Thorn Cathmoor)
Emblem: Black Triangle, Color: Gold and white divided
Lord Cathmoor bears the title of Archduke, a courtesy title because he is the only surviving past high Duke of the Osmani Council. He is also called “The Wise” or alternately, “The Lucky,” because he managed to survive multiple assassination attempts and retired from public life before someone succeeded. In the last attempt against his life, he escaped with his wife but one of his infant triplet daughters did not. Many that dare voice an opinion on the subject suspect Archduke Garret’s hand in at least a few of the assassination attempts. It was Garret that assumed Cathmoor’s vacant seat on the Council. Purslee retired from interstellar political life to his country estates. His ancient hereditary family holdings off planet were seized by Archdukes Turilli and Garret and parceled out to their favorites to ensure their loyalty. Purslee seems content to stay out of interplanetary politics despite continual provocations by Garret. Purslee remains politically active locally in his shire. He still maintains a significant military force and supplements his diminished incomes through hiring them (and himself) out as mercenary soldiers. He is a master strategist and tactician on the battle field and his advice is often sought by others. He still is not without political capital. His wife is the only female cub of Naldondo and the darling of her 12 older brothers. This may be one of the reasons Purslee is still alive. He also has twin female cubs of great beauty that are almost of marriageable age. If they marry well into major houses, he could return to power. While not a vengeful ursoid, that is something that those who usurped his land and title would like very much to avoid.
The Brotherhood (Pirates)
Emblem: Ursoid Skull, Color: Black
A pirate is what a pirate is. All through time and space there have been pirates that prey on the week and innocent. The brotherhood is neither a particularly notable or creative incarnation on the age old theme of the brigand. Mostly these pirates are ursoids marginalized by society lead by younger sons of noble houses in an attempt to gain glory and fortune. Quick to attack an unwary vessel, they can do significant damage with their primitive weapons to an unarmored civilian ship. They have been known to board a craft and seize high tech weapons for personal use. If they do so, however, they will not leave any survivors. They fear that if they are discovered, the possession of such weapons will bring reprisals from other pirate ship’s crews. Typically, they hunt in packs of three. One ship may be painted in civilian colors (a habit that distresses the civilian liners) or a captured civilian liner accompanied by two ships painted to match the deep of space. While distracted by the obvious threat (or distressed vessel, etc), the other two move in and give a few broadsides to weaken the victim. While their ships are primitive, a 20 kilo ball of solid rock or iron carries a considerable wallop against the average unarmored civilian craft. They have even been known to throw full chamber pots at invaders to add insult to injury. If the Osmani can gain entry to a ship, they will fight hand to hand through the ship with slug throwers and hand thrown bombs (grenades). Most attackers can be bought off with “donations” (tribute) of small bits of personal non-lethal technology (oxygen tanks, canned food, compasses, blades, matches, lighters) as long as it is mechanical and not electrical (no flashlights for example). The ursoids are able to mechanically generate and manipulate force fields and extend them far enough to board from close range using a previously unknown liquid metal agitated within a container. The shape of the container dictates the shape of the field. The fields are strong enough to hold in air, but not strong enough to be used as a weapon (as of yet). Samples of this “fluid metal” (it has been described in appearance as a mixture of mercury and gallium) would be very valuable, but so far “officially”, none exist.
Brotherhood of the Wedge (Religious Order)
Emblem: Red Wedge, Color: Red wedge on square patch of Gold
More inclusive than Order of the Golden Wedge, this crusading religious order is somewhat loosely organized. Their tabards may be of any major or minor household – even a few independents. Traditionally, this is one of the few ways for an ursoid of religious character without a household or of common birth to advance in rank. It is ruled by a council of Lords, a council of clerics and a council of commoners (rank and file military) whose membership defies cataloging. They do well at small unit tactics, but it takes an epic threat to unify the councils and get the entire order committed to a common cause. These soldiers campaign for a variety of reasons under the symbol of the wedge (the dominant religion of the Empire), some pure, others base. There have even been rumored to be some off-world converts (aslan) who have fought in their ranks as well. They do not give themselves often to military involvement in political affairs. When they do get involved, they tend to follow the populist causes against the nobility. As such, they are often seen as the champion of the people. At the same time, the nobles view them as riffraff and potential interlopers. Many noble houses have lesser sons as representatives within the order.
The Praetorian Guard
Emblem: Red Bend Sinister, Colors: Blue Edged in Gold
This elite guard is dedicated to the protection of the Archdukes and members of the Osmani Council. The Guard in the past, however, has been known to depose one Duke in favor of another in difficult times. Any noble who ignores relations with the Guard does so at his own peril. They are frequently extravagantly rewarded (bribed) for small favors and just faithfully fulfilling their duties. Most ursoids would be ashamed of receiving such sums given for so little service. Although the Guard are seen publicly with antique ceremonial bladed weapons, everyone knows they are all crack musketeers and grenadiers. Some rumors claim that they also drill with off world weapons and have off world mechanical transport, but so far that is unconfirmed. It would seem ironic that the group that was to keep technology out of the hands of ursoids would use the same technologies to do so. The Guard is charged not only with the protection of the ruling Archdukes, but state secrets such as the Osmani fluid displacement star drive.
Free Company or Militia:
Emblem: Varies according to profession.
Colors: Varies according to city and planet.
The Osmani Lords require that cities within their domain supply troops to supplement their own. These range from uniformed, armored troops sponsored by the guilds and required to drill once a week in the town squares to militia from rural areas with little weapons or training. The best bet for off-worlders encountering these troop types is that their greed get the better of their xenophobia. Certainly any Lord (so they think) would pay a high price for human captives. This is one of the few times: “Take me to your leader….” might actually work. Another advantage is that such troops are unlikely to be armed with anything but blades, with the local equivalent of a pike being the most common weapon among the guildsmen and improvised peasant weapons (pitchforks, threshing clubs, scythes) among the militia.
Baronet Steron Tigrin (Merchant Prince)
Emblem: Black Crossed Cannons, Color: Yellow (Company Logo)
Tigrin is an ursoid without a house, but is one of those great ursoids that attracts followers nonetheless. A bear of no small intelligence, he has managed to create a faction of loyal retainers with few connections. He carries many scars from battle as lighter streaks across his dark brown fur: he is known as a bear among bears for his strength and prowess with a blade. He has also amassed a considerable fortune through the making of arms. His father and three litter mates were all gunsmiths. He used his position within the military to promote their quality work and received contracts from the right people. He continued to expand his empire. He transformed making iron, shot and gunpowder from a cottage industry to factory production. He then boughtbought the mines and shipping companies that dug and delivered the materials that made them.
This very un-ursoid like behavior can be attributed to his capture by humans on a raid in Confederate space. The raid failed miserably, but he survived. He was kept by the humans for three years and allowed a reasonable degree of freedom; more than he would have allowed a prisoner. But while they were studying him, he was studying them. He even learned to read in Galanglic. He was brought back into Osmani space as part of a prisoner exchange. He was not allowed to bring back any advanced technology (by Osmani standards), but he did gain enough knowledge about the way humans did business and took advantage of his lesser competitors.
One bit of learning that he did bring back with him was a knowledge of optics. Several of his keepers wore glasses. He was naturally inquisitive about them and they even had a pair made for him. Ursoids are naturally near sighted and after he returned, the fad caught on. Another useful bit he brought back with him was knowledge of tobacco. He bribed his way to a shipment of tobacco leaves and human work hands to raise it. His home world placed him at the farthest end of the Empire away from Osmon and the Council either failed to notice or didn't care. Since it was an agricultural product and not covered under the tech ban, it would have been difficult for the Council to prove the need to mobilize the fleet to attack a planet three months away. Of the planets in the Empire, Tigrin’s home world of Tern was the only one found to be hospitable to the human crop and could produce all three types of leaves needed to make quality cigars. Of course, off world cigars are generally better and a welcome part of any visit from off world merchants. Cigars have become so popular across much of the Osmani Empire that days at court now include times for the males to adjourn to a smoking room as a scheduled activity. While not born a noble, Tigrin is one of the wealthiest Ursoids in the Empire. The title he currently holds he purchased from the Council for a sizable donation. It is feared by his competitors and detractors that it is only a short time until he buys himself a higher one. There are many who would seek to do him harm, but he is protected by fanatical ursoids of low birth who see Tigrin as the only way to improve their lot.
Guide to Osmani (Ursoid) Races
Unlike humans, the sentient Osmani ursoids are divided into five distinct races: Browns, Whites, Blacks, Mallians and the Cilla (which are divided into the Locilla and the Socilla: a highland and lowland varient nearly identical genetically but different in culture and language). Given the high rate of intermarriage between browns and blacks, some consider them a different race as well, but appearance wise as well as genetically there is not a great deal of support for that. Marriage between whites and browns is uncommon and may qualify as a seperate race since the differences in physiology are readily apparent. Mallians and CIllians do not marry outside their own race.
The Browns
Natives of Osmon, brown ursoidsids are the second
largest group in size and number. They are distinguished
from their smaller cousins, the blacks, by a large muscle
mass between their shoulders forming a hump that gives
them tremendous strength with their arms. Their skin is
tan and their fur ranges from almost black to honey brown.
Individual hairs in their fur have no color at all, giving their
coats a frosted appearance when viewed from the certain
angles. As a race, ttey resemble terran Grizzly's in most
respects except for opposable thumbs. Adult males range
from eight to ten feet in height and 600-1,000 pounds in
weight, females average six to seven feet tall and 450-550
pounds in weight. Like all ursoids, they are mammals.
Gestation period varies widely from six to eight months.
because the females delay pregnancy until their bodies
are ready to carry their young to full term. Females give
birth from one to four cubs, with twins being very common.
Once a female gives birth, it will be two years before she
is physically able to have more offspring. Most young are
born during the winter.
Socially and politically, it is the browns who dominate The Sixteen Worlds. They are by far the most aggressive of the races in terms of expansion. While the whites are physically more dominating, they seldom range far from their home world of Muda. In terms of development, their entire society straddles the middle ages / renaissance designation while their government on the national level can be dest described as an oligarchy with some republican / democratic reforms. With no king or emperor, their highest nobility are the planetary dukes who rule their worlds independently although intrigues by lesser nobles who are vassals to off world interests create a complex patchwork of loyalties, intrigues and fiefdoms. A few of the older houses have widespread kin that represent the interests of their house on every or nearly every planet in the realm. Other more powerful houses have bought or influenced lesser noble currying favor to do the same.
The Whites
The white ursoids, like the ciIlla and the mallians, are
confined to a single planet by either choice or by nature.
While the other worlds of the Empire are temperate to
hot, the home world of the whites (Muda) is the only
water / ice world in the Empire. The natives have adapted
to that climate. The whites are the largest of the ursoid
races with the main distinguishing characteristics being
white fur, black skin and their large size. Full grown males
range in weight from 750 to 1500 pounds and from eight
to twelve feet in height. Females range in height from
eight to ten feet and 600-800 pounds. Females are
significantly smaller than their male counterparts. Adapted
to their colder environment, the whites have longer bodies
(perhaps more streamlined for swimming) and longer
noses. Their legs are heavier and stockier than their warm
world cousins. Their ears and tails (not a topic of
conversation in polite society) are smaller than the browns
or blacks. They also have fur on their paws. Gestation
period ranges from two to eight months. The reason for the
wide difference is that the female will wait until her body is
able to support her offspring before bringing the baby to
full term. Like the browns, females bear one to four young
with twins being common.
The early history of the browns and whites was troubled. After the Browns occupied four empty planets, the Muda were the first non-browns/blacks discovered by the ursoids in their expansion. They were distrustful from the beginning. The whites were at home in their world among the ice floes and sea, an environment totally alien to the browns. The whites were also physically imposing, dwarfing the average brown ursoid who had always felt security in their size and strength. A few battles resulted, but nothing conclusive resulted. Ultimately, the browns decided to bypass Muda, using it only as a stop to restock air and water. The white ursoids seem content with this arrangement and remain pretty much confined to their home planet with few exceptions.
Politically, Muda is nominally ruled by Duke Hance Naldando through a son that married into the hose of Duke Daw Kaplan (House Sky Lord). Naldando's presence, however, is seldom felt except in the presence of the fleet. He prefers to stay out of the way and let the locals deal with their own issues. Because of its climate, most Mudans (both native whites and transplants) are involved in fishing or some sea related industry. Less than 10% of Muda is land with another 15% being ice. With land at such a premium, the archepelegoes of Muda are densely packed. A significant number of ursoids live in floating raft villages. The Empire does maintain a flying base on Muda to protect the lucrative fish trade to off world markets (many Osmani worlds are water poor). The fish is usually "space dried" (exposed to space) for the trip. Fish ships maintain only skeleton crews. The fish stench makes it unpleasant work and most Mudans find it difficult to get the smell out of their fur. Kaplan's few ships, however, are not always fast enough. Ships, both water and air, frequently fall to pirate raiders.
The Blacks
The black ursoids are the most numerous group within
the Sixteen Worlds. There are as many black ursoids
as there are all other races combined. They are native
to the temperate world of Seldon and are so alike in
appearance and color (white, blond, cinnamon, honey,
chocolate to jet black) that they can be mistaken for
browns , although they are closer genetically to the
mallians. Only 70% of black ursoids of unmixed lineage
are black in color. Their fur is softer, less shaggy than
the browns. The most easily observed difference
between the races is the hump (muscle mass) between
the shoulders that identifies all types of brown ursoids.
Even that that can be decieving because intermarriage
between the two races is common. It is also fashionable
in some circles for young males to wear a cosmetic
"hump" in order to pass themselves off as their brawnier
cousins or enhance the appaearance of their own
strength and ursoidness. Black ursoid males range from
400 to 1,000 pounds in weight and average a little over
six feet in height although some larger males reach
nearly eight feet. Females are approximatly half the
size of their male counterparts, ranging in weight from
200-500 pounds and averaging five feet in height.
The birth cycle is similar to that of both browns and
whites with delayed pregnancies the norm and live birth of one to four young with twins being common.
While the black ursoids did not develop space flight on their own, once the browns introduced them to it they embraced it readily. Strong for their weight and able to endure better the privations of space because of their smaller size (less air, food and space) they made excellent crews for the osmani voyages of adventure and conquest as they expanded spinward. Whatever prejudices that may have originally existed were quickly erased by common service, suffering and victory. After 400 years of common history, for all intents and purposes, the browns and the blacks are as one culturally. The most prominant black ursoids in contemporary politics are Duke Hance Naldando and Archduke Pursely (Lord Thorn Cathmoor).
The Mallians
The mallians are the most "alien" from the perspective of
the dominant brown / black culture of the Empire and
dwell both under and in the jungle canopy. Hunter gathers
by nature and practice, they show little interest or aptitude
as a race for the trappings of civilization. They are the
smallest of the ursoid races. Males range in height from
4-5 feet and weigh between 100-200 pounds. Females
measure from 4 to 4.5 feet in height and weigh 80 -160
pounds. Most mallians have a glossy black coat,
but cinnamin and gray are not uncommon. Both sexes have
a white face mask that extends above the eyes and a "collar"
that varries from dirty white to burnt orange, With careful
observation, the collar can give clues as to the family and
social status of the individual. The ears are small and round
with a thick base and have very little movement unlike their
larger cousins. They are bow legged with their feet turned
inward. Their claws are large, hooked and gray in color.
Unlike any other species of ursoid, they have a long,
prehensil tongue, a characteristic that most other ursoids find
repulsive. Gestation is much the same as the other ursoids
except that the number of offspring given birth is only singles or
twins. Twins are unusual.
In spite of their off putting appearance, or maybe because of it, they are a happy-go-lucky race, ready to put off the responsibilities of tomorrow for fun today. They enjoy singing, music and dance and are sometime employed as entertainers by resident browns and blacks. Not much of their original "gypsy like" culture exists today except in small colonies within the tree canopies. Early occupiers of the land made it a crime for the native culture and language to be practiced among its inhabitants except for certain "approved" tribal or family groups. Those groups were used instead to bring the others into submission. In the end, approved or not, their status became much the same except for the "wild" mallians living free in the jungle. These wild mallians are frequently the first blamed (and first persecuted) for any type of catastrophe that may befall, natural or ursoid made. It is unusual to see any mallians off world. Mallians remain an often persecuted minority on their own world.
The Cilla
Cilla is a hot, jungle world. The native ursoids are divided
into two ethnic groups, the Sicilla (mountain) and Locilla
(low land). They are virtually the same genetically but are
polar opposites culturally. Short, round and fat compared
to the other races, they have a undeserved reputation for
being lazy. Their color is the most consistant of the races
with a white body and head with black around the eyes
and black ears. A black black strip covers the shoulders,
chest and both the inside and outside of the arms. Black
color also covers the hindquarters and legs, much the
same way as human males wear pants. Males range in
height from 4-6 feet and average 350 pounds in weight.
Females are 10-20% smaller than the males, averaging
5 feet and 250 pounds. Cillans are distinctive from their
ursoid counterparts in that they have five fingers and an
articulated thumb. They also have the longest tails of any
other ursoid (not a topic for polite conversation). The only
observalbe external difference between the Locillians
(as described above) and the Socillians is that some of the
mountain dwellers have dark brown and light brown
coloration in the same pattern rather than the more stark
black and white of the low country dwellers. Gestation is
much the same as other ursoids. Females give birth to only
one or two young with twins occuring 50% of the time.
Like the mallians, who are close genetic sisters, they do not participate in the intergallactioc society of the SIxteen Worlds. They tend to be solitary. Low landers live in isolated homesteads pursuing rual trades of herding, farming, forrestry, fishing and cottage industries procuding wool and other staples and non-luxury goods. They gather only periodically in towns for market days to barter or exchange for the small amount of coing available. The high country cillans follow a similar pattern of existance only pursuing trapping fishing and hunting with some herding of scrapy mountain bred stock. The only time there is peaceful interaction between the two groups are at these market "fairs." Less savory interaction occurs when young "mountain ursoids" raid isolated farmsteads in search of brides.
Osmani Planetary Nobles and their Demesnes
While the SIxteen Worlds can be considered an Oligarchy with some republican modifications, the individual worlds of the Empire are straightforward feudalism with the exception of Tern. In Tern's case, its extreme distance from Osmon has isolated its inhabitants and they have established their own informal way of dealing with everyday life apart from the Council of Dukes. This is a brief outline of some of the major factions of the Osmani Empire and their last known Dukes by planet. While each noble has his home demesne, their influence may be felt on other worlds as well – particularly the Archdukes and those with extensive family and military connections.
It would be impossible to establish a unified code by which to judge the influence of nobles. A baron on one world (because of an overwhelming ruler) might be considered least important; yet on another more decentralized world with the same rescources he might achieve a much higher position in the government. A system was developed rating each noble on a scale of power as it relates to other nobles and gentry on their home planet from 1-6 as follows: 1) ruling, 2) most important, 3) very important, 4) important, 5) less important and 6) least important.
Earl Seldon (most important)
Earl Gaylle (most important)
Baronet Tigrin (more important)
Baron Donis Brachensclaw (important)
Archduke Purslee (important)
Baron Cisella (important)
Baron Cisella (important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Earl Selden (most important)
Count Naldondo (important)
Lord Asa Brachensclaw (less important)
Golden Wedge (less important)
Pirate Brotherhood (more important)
Baron Drees (important)
Baron Kaplan (important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Archduke Garret (ruling)
Duke Kaplan (more important)
Baron Chase Brachensclaw (important)
Baron Naldondo (important)
Baron Drees (important)
Baronet Tigrin (unimportant)
Baron Cade (important)
Free Companies (unimportant)
Baron Cisella (important)
Pirate Brotherhood (important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Duke Sullo (ruling)
Earl Naldondo (most important)
Gaelle (more important)
Kaplan (more important)
Free Towns (more important)
De Sabe (least important)
Count Harn Brachensclaw (important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Archduke Turilli (ruling)
Baron Cisella (less important)
Earl Sullo ( more important)
Archduke Garret (less important)
Count Purslee (more important)
Baronet Kaplan (least important)
Baronet Naldondo (least important)
Baron Seldon (important)
Baron Gale (important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Duke Cisella (ruling)
Baron Naldondo (important)
Pirate Brotherhood (important)
Lord Anorea (less important)
Lord Anorea (less important)
Earl Kaplan (more important)
Baronet Ren Brachensclaw (least important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Archduke Naldondo (ruling)
Earl Kaplan (most important)
Free Company (most important)
Pirate Brotherhood (important)
Earl Alond (most important)
Baron Anorea (important)
Baronet Drees (less important)
Earl Artor Brachensclaw (more important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Duke Gaelle (ruling)
Baronet Naldondo (unimportant)
Free Towns (most important)
Earl Kaplan (most important)
Earl Drees (most important)
Earl Desabe (more important)
Baron Alond (important)
Golden Wedge (less important)
Lord Turilli (less important)
Duke Kaplan (ruling)
Earl Naldondo (most important)
Free Companies (less important)
Aslan traders (less important)
Baronet Tigrin (most important)
Earl Garret (most important)
Golden Wedge (most important)
Count Desabe (important)
Count Gaelle (important)
Earl Perslea (most important)
Duke Naldondo (ruling)
Archduke Garret (important)
Pirate Brotherhood (most important)
Baron Theris Brachensclaw (important)
Bishop Tibbe (important) Golden Wedge
Free Cities (important)
Baronet Cade (least important)
Baron Sullo (important)
Duchess Heleana (important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Duke Erid Brachensclaw (ruling)
Lord Naldondo (least important)
Baron Gaelle (important)
Bishop Tibbe: Gold Wedge (more important)
Archduke Garret (ruling)
Golden Wedge (important)
Lord Desabe (less important)
Lord Anorea (less important)
Lord Cade (less important)
Lord Drees (less important)
Lord Alond (less important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Baron Seldon (important)
Duke Seldon (ruling)
Count Naldondo (important)
Earl Cade (very important)
Golden Wedge (very important)
Human traders (least important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Archduke Turilli (ruling)
Count Naldondo (important)
Earl Kaplan (important)
Lord Cade (least important)
Lord Drees (least important)
Lord Desabe (least important)
Lord Alond (least important)
Lord Anorea (least important)
Naldondo (ruling)
Baron Luthor (important)
Count Seldon (important)
Baron Sullo (important)
Baron Gaelle (important)
Baronet Desabe (less important).
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)
Archduke Turilli (ruling)
Ducal Council (ruling)
Archduke Garret (important)
Merchant Guilds (more important)
Council of Barons (more important)
Council of Worlds (more important)
Praetorian Guard (more important)
Archbishop of Osman (important)
Golden Wedge (important)
Brotherhood of the Wedge (less important)