CSS Xenodemographic Report:
The Kurazin
The Kurazin are a quadrupedal Canid race found inhabiting systems coreward of the Confederate Star Systems. Found primarily in the Uilles, Lessing and Beeb subsectors of the Crixus sector, they are not know for founding interstellar nations. Their political alignment defies standard categories on the Naaman scale. The default setting seems to be one of planetary independence (Balkanization), but planets will make temporary alliances for the moment. An ally today may be a foe next cycle. It is difficult for humans to understand the giving of complete loyalty to another and then doing an immediate pivot in a matter of days. On the Bera Technological scale, the Kurazin rate as a Cat 1: Upper Tier: Interstellar Community. Just because they are capable of Interstellar Community, however, seems in no way to oblige the Kurazin to have one.
Kurazin are unique among the races known to mankind because while being quadrupedal, they have six appendages - the forward pair being anatomically different from the back pairs. The fore arms terminate in a hand with an opposable thumb, surmounted by think claw-like nails varying from translucent to black in color. Normal gait is on their back feet with their torso forward of their mid legs being erect like a Centaur of ancient Terran legend. The largest examples of the race are head high to a tall human (6'6") when standing on all fours. When on their hind legs, the outliers range between nine and ten feet in height.
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