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Ships of the Confederate Marines 

          By charter, the Confederate Marines do not have any jump capable vessels of their own. Instead, the Marines are given System Patrol Craft (SPC) or System Defense Boats (SBD), usually under 1,000 tons, but heavy with arms, armament and speed. The ships pack quite a wallop for their size and when used in coordintaed squadrons. they are effective even in fleet actions. The downside for the Marines is that they are dependant upon the Navy or civilian transport to ferry those ships were they need to go.

          The Testeudo Class SDB shown below is the latest from the Confederate Marines. Having only just begun production of these 700 ton craft, a handful of them turned away the attack on Ander. Essentially a 6 SAG nissile platform, each ship carries two 50 ton missile bays and two 10 ton kinetic torpedoes of their own. While the Marine torpedoes are smaller than the enemy's torpedoes, they are large enough to destroy the Mozie missile. The Testeudos are deployed in squadrons of four and can send 200 missiles in seconds at a single target, or one missile at 200 targets in the same length of time. 

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