Ships of the Confederate Navy
The Navy is the glue that holds the Confederate Stellar Systems together. Without its protection of important trade routes, manufacturing and population centers, the Confederacy as is is now known would not exist. While member worlds are required to spend a certain percentage of their gross national product on military, the Confederacy effectively rules the space between planets and the stars. The Confederate Navy and Marines is how they do that. With an ever expanding border and planets being opened to colonization on almost a monthly basis, the Navy is stretched pretty thin. Usually, the presence of a squadron of Naval or Marine ships is enough to keep the forces of chaos at bay. Unfortunately, every so often the expanding frontiers of the Confederacy bump into other nations. Sometimes that "bump" can be settled diplomatically. Other times, it has to be settled with the flash of lasers and the glow of plasma cannons. That is where the Confederate Stellar System's Navy and Marines comes into play.
Ships of the Second Colonial War
While it has been 75 years since the Confederate 3GV Lang fleet, many of the ships of that war still exist: some are still in active duty, but most are in the reserves are mothballed. At least one planet is known to be off limits to any but through traffic because of fleet assets stored in orbit around its principle world. Of the active ships from that area, it is the largest and the smallest that are still plying the space lanes.
The Buckley Class destroyer Escourt, at 3k tons, was among the smallest of the Jump capable warships of its day. Used for picket defense or convoy duty, they served their nation well. Named for heros of both the First and Second Colonial wars, they still stand guard along the frontier. Squadrons of four are deployed together (the minumum needed to "surround" an average size planet with a sensor web.
Ships of the Third Colonial War
When the Third War broke out, the Confederacy was caught woefully unprepared; her Navy fallen into disrepair a shadow of her former glory. Three 500k ton Triumastra Dreadnaughts were the central core of the fleet, but those were staffed with political appointees and those seeking a career within the government that needed military service on their resume. One was assigned to each fleet as its flag ship although they seldom left their patrols in the central systems. With no real experience in fighting or the frontier, these men and ships were useless; relics of a bygone age.
Also still in Gold Fleet (the reserves) were the Hero Class Jump Carriers; 60k ton vessels that carried their four 10k ton Warrior Class ships into battle. The Jump carrier concept of battle gained popularity during the last war and the Hero Class and their dependants were among the last ships built of the era. The Hero Class crews do have some experience on the frontier, being occasionally dispatched to settle disputes or battle pirates. More often than not, just the sight of a Hero Class Jump Carrier is enough to discourage any resistance.
The Buckley Class Destroyer Escort (3k tons) is the only vessel that has been stationed at the frontier since the expansion down the Spinward Trail began. Used mostly as revenue cutters and for anti piracy patrol, they have see constant use for nearly 75 years. While they have served faithfully, their usefulness is comming to an end. Parts are no longer made and crews are having to cannabalize some ships for parts to keep others working. There are (or were) eight aquadrons located in the Osmani and Threshold subsectors. Those can be quickly reassigned to potential crisis areas.
The one bright spot on the horizon is the Shield Class SPB upgrade program. Over the last two years, the Admiralty has been upgrading the ships with new systems and most importantly Jump pods. This modular concept developed by the engineers at Svensen Standard created a new modular building system that is both quick and efficent. The Navy has been snapping up the retired Shield Class SPBs (mostly in service to colonial navies) and converting them as fast as they can. The new vessel is the 15k ton frigate Defender Class. A multitasking vessel with both fighter screens and a ship mounted gun platform, it promises to be a stop gap measure until the Navy can ramp up building production.

This is the Defender Class Frigate in its final configuration in its pre wartime colors. On the ventral side is an 80' Triumastra. The addition of the wings aids in atmospheric flight when used in close support with ground troops. The Freedom was among the first ships dispatched to the front and is currently on station in the Terminus system.
From the original builder's drawings, this cut away view shows the deck by deck layout of the frigate. The Jump pod (here offset for clarity) is constructed in one piece off site and then transported for later attachment to the System Patrol Craft. Never before has modular construction been attempted on this scale. The Shields originally belonged to the Confederate Marines before being decomissioned and sold off to colonial governments.
The Defenders carry three types of ship's boats: fighters, medical pinnaces and shuttles plus ground support and armored personnel carriers. Designed for quick deployment, the fighters are on rails attached to the hangar doors. Once the doors are open. they can be launched simultaneously. A "shelf" amidship rotates to launch APCs and ground support vehicles.

At the time the first shot of the war was fired at the CCM Carthage, only the CSSN Perdition and the CSSN Zaand were much more than keels. The first of those two classes are almost ready for space trials with subsequent members of their class awaiting the test results before rushing into production. The CSSN Flamberge is about half way through the construction process. The CSS Rampart, however, has fallen behind. There are not enough fighters to yet justify a carrier to hold them except as a transport and there are ways of accomplishing that already without new construction. Dozens of Second War veterens are available to do the job and can be refitted in the length of time it would take to build a single new Rampart. All available fighters are being diverted to the front line as quickly as possible. There are no spare parts and older, damage fighters must be broken up to keep newer ones flying. Success in this war may come down to the Celest Marchand and its ability to ferry supplies and equipment to the front. The above drawings are to scale.
Redistribution of Buckley Class Destroyer Escortsand Projected Arrival Times
101st Escort Group
CSS 679 Bruce G. Greenwood 11 weeks Garland – New Terminus (July 7.03.09)
CSS 67A Edward W. Finch Garland – New Terminus (July 7.03.09)
CSS 67B George A. Wallace Garland – New Terminus (July 7.03.09)
CSS 67C John A. Hester Garland – New Terminus (July 7.03.09)
155th Escort Group
CSS 67D George S. Houston 11 weeks Garland – Haven (July 7.03.09)
CSS 67E Samuel W. Houston Garland – Haven (July 7.03.09)
CSS 67F Wesley L. Joyner Garland – Haven (July 7.03.09)
CSS 681 Richard D. Black Garland – Haven (July 7.03.09)
163rd Escort Group
CSS 683 Reiner R, Richter 17 weeks Laverdure – Sonoma (Aug 8.20.09)
CSS 685 Richard W. Rohrer Laverdure – Sonoma (Aug 8.20.09)
CSS 687 Robert C. Brewer Laverdure – Sonoma (Aug 8.20.09)
CSS 688 Jack G. Simon Laverdure – Sonoma (Aug 8.20.09)
172nd Escort Group
CSS 689 Casper C. Kuliga 16 weeks Laverdure – M206 Terminus (Aug 8.11.09)
CSS 68B Harvey H. Warwick Laverdure – M206 Terminus (Aug 8.11.09)
CSS 68C James R. Ashurst Laverdure – M206 Terminus (Aug 8.11.09)
CSS 68D Howard W. Hendricks Laverdure – M206 Terminus (Aug 8.11.09)
183rd Escort Group
CSS 68F J. Dwight Pentecost 18 weeks Langlais - M204 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
CSS 690 Norman F. Geisler Langlais - M204 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
CSS 691 John D. Hannah Langlais - M204 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
CSS 69F Stanley F. Toussaint Langlais - M204 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
198th Escort Group
CSS 6A0 John D. Walvrood 18 weeks Langlais - M303 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
CSS 6A4 John A. Best Langlais - M303 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
CSS 6A6 Robert C. Grassmik Langlais - M303 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
CSS 6AA Roy B. Zuck Langlais - M303 Terminus (Aug 8.26.09)
Defender Class Frigates on Station April 3009.
221st Frigate Group
CSS 2200 Defender (built 3008 SS LLC) Laverdure, Threshold
CSS 2201 Protector (built 3008 SS LLC) Ander, Terminus
CSS 2202 Guardian (built 3008 SS LLC) Nexus, Threshold
CSS 2203 Sentinel (built 3008 SS LLC) Sonoma, Terminus
222nd Frigate Group
CSS 2204 Liberator (built 3008 SS LLC) Terminus, Terminus
CSS 2205 Freedom (built 3008 SS LLC) Terminus, Terminus
CSS 2206 Sovereign* (built 3008 SS LLC) Langlais, Langlais
CSS 2207 Independence (built 3008 SS LLC) Terminus, Terminus
223rd Frigate Group
CSS 2208 Redeemer* (built 3008 SS LLC) Langlais, Langlais
CSS 2209 Savior (built 3008 SS LLC) Sonoma, Terminus
CSS 220A Rescue (built 3008 SS LLC) Haven, Terminus
CSS 220B Ransom (built 3008 SS LLC) New Terminus, Terminus
* Sovereign was pulled off the line in March 8th, 3009 and returned to Langlais with major system failures. Redeemer was detailed as her escort.
Hero Class Jump Carrier Squadrons Activated May 05.08.09 (Gold Fleet)
495th Jump Carrier Squadron
CSS 450 Hellas (Agamemnon, Achilles, Hector, Paris)
CSS 451 Troas (Priam, Paris, Hector, Aeneas)
CSS 453 Asgaard (Odin, Thor, Baldur, Frigga)
CSS 454 Caesar (Augustus, Julian, Trajan, Tiberius)
407th Jump Carrier Squadron
CSS 459 Israel (Moses, Joshua, Sampson, Solomon)
CSS 461 Rome (St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. John, St. James)
CSS 466 Egypt (Isis, Osiris, Anubis, Ra)
CSS 467 China (Kwan-Yin, Nu-Kwa, Wang-Muiang, Monkey King)