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Wesley Finch Edwards (1st Lt. CSC)

                                                                                      DOB:   April 29, 2993

                                                                                      Planet of Origin: L301   Aig / Covia / Astrea      B   D54388   A


                                                                                      B Quality:  

                                                                                      D Size: 

                                                                                      5 Atmosphere:  

                                                                                      4 Hydrographic: 

                                                                                      3 Population: 

                                                                                      8 Government:

                                                                                      8 Law: 

                                                                                      A Tech Level: 



                                                                                                 Wesley comes from Aig, one of the Confederacy's three                                                                                                research stations devoted to the effects of heavy gravity. His father                                                                                          is a retired member of the University, disabled from a heavy gravity                                                                                          fall. Settlements on Aig are built on top of grav plates and resemble                                                                                          any standard gravity human habitat. The gravity on Aig is high                                                                                                  enough to rupture a heart within a couple of hours. While Aig U is                                                                                            the largest on site employer on the planet, there is also a lucrative                                                                                            trade in towing low acceleration vehicles into orbit and salvaging                                                                                              those who don't make it.


Lady Lenoir "Lenny" Anastasia Claiborne (2nd Lt. CSC)


DOB:   July 17, 2993

Planet of Origin: G207   G’oule / Astrea / Astrea             B    555899      B


B Quality: Good, Shipyards: Starships, Repair: Overhaul, Fuel: Refined

5 Size: Medium: 7,200 – 8,799km

5 Atmosphere: Thin .43-.70, standard oxygen/nitrogen, breathable 

5 Hydrographic: Wet World 35%-44% surface water

8 Population: Moderate - 543 million

9 Impersonal Bureaucracy – Gov’t agencies isolated from the governed.

9 High Law: No weapons outside home.

B Tech Level: Average Stellar

            Lenny lives with her family in a government enclave reserved for

those who work about Confederate governmental affairs. Her family

holds the position of “Lord Claiborne, Sargent–at-Arms” and is the

hereditary Sargent-at-Arms for the Confederate Senate. Her father holds

the titular command while her other relatives over 21 with military service

make up the honor guard. Her family was honored with the title and

responsibility for heroic action in preventing the assassination of the

President and Co-Presidents during the First Colonial War.

            Her home world G’oule has a thin atmosphere and that contributes to her physique. Tall and thin, she has superior lung capacity that contributes to her endurance during physical exercise. Most of the water on her world is contaminated with metal salts, a natural result of the run off of a planet rich in minerals. The majority of the planet is controlled by an impersonal agri-corporate bureaucracy involved in mining and refining. It’s close proximity to Astrea creates an ideal market for its raw materials.

            Despite the refining/manufacturing base, there is a strong high society element on G’oule. Wealthy patrons come to visit its famed mineral baths known for their healing powers. Many keep winter homes (the planet is a little on the hot side) in the valleys along the equatorial region where the air is thickest and most comfortable for outworlders to breathe. The poorer segment of the population who mostly survive by subsistence farming and hunting, live at the higher altitudes with the poorest living on high peaks and ridges of the central mountain chains.

            The soil gives rise to a naturally thick, lush – but brown – vegetation that has to be burned off in order to clear the land. The abundance of refined chemical fertilizers on the planet have created a healthy agricultural industry. G’oule not only feeds its population of 520 million, but exports food as well, mostly to Astrea. Specialty foods raised in pressurized greenhouses/caves flourish in the lower gravity and bring a premium price from those with discerning pallets. These pressurized farms are kept under guard because of the fragile nature of their crops. Depressurization of a greenhouse, even for a few minutes, can damage the quality of an entire crop.

Xaochen Feng "Jason" Ling (2nd Lt. CSC)


                                                                                 DOB:   March 15, 2993

                                                                                 Planet of Origin: K506   Gran / Langlis / Astrea     A   865554   A


                                                                                 A Quality:  

                                                                                 8 Size: Medium: 

                                                                                 6 Atmosphere:  

                                                                                 5 Hydrographic: 

                                                                                 5 Population: 

                                                                                 5 Government:

                                                                                 4 Law: 

                                                                                 A Tech Level: 












Vesna Bojana Vasilik (2nd Lt. CSC)


DOB:   September 7, 2993

Planet of Origin: L305   Derf / Covia / Astrea             E   987111   6









Tech Level: 

         Vesna comes from the corporate mining world Derf with 1.4 standard 

gravity: high enough to be considered heavy gravity, but low enough to be

survivable for the native born. Visitors find it quite unpleasant, but the locals

are strong workers because of their increased muscle mass. While the

atmosphere is breathable without filters, the surface of the planet is hostile

toward most terrestrial forms of life.  Settlements consists of balconied

apartments carved into the sides of huge mine shafts that can be wide as

300 feet and as deep as 2,000. Society is sharply stratified in more ways

than one. The wealthiest people live in the upper tiers where there is light,

the poorest in the darkness at the bottom of the shafts where their sun is

visible no more than a few hours a day. Everyone works for the company.

Vesna mother wanted her to escape the indoctrination of the company schools so she was allowed to wander the streets while her mother worked as a cook for an upper echelon administrator. Eventually, her mother saved enough credits and favors to bribe her daughter's way off planet to freedom.

Nasrina Archna Lockman Moody (Com Spec., CSC)




                                                                              Planet of Origin:  L203   Staffar / Covia / Astrea                 B   545742   7   


                                                                              B Quality: 

                                                                              5 Size: 

                                                                              4 Atmosphere:  

                                                                              5 Hydrographic: 

                                                                              7 Population: 

                                                                              4 Government

                                                                              2 Law: 

                                                                              4 Tech Level:


                                                                              Agricultural World

Preston Lyman Moody (Security Chief / Mechanic, CSC)


Planet of Origin:  L106   Wesgar / Covia / Astrea        D   747201   8


D Quality: 

7 Size: Medium: 

4 Atmosphere:  

7 Hydrographic: 

2 Population: 

0 Government:

1 Law: 

8 Tech Level: 

Agricultural World

Shimarrow (Commander, CSC)

                                                                                DOB:   July 17, 2993

                                                                                Planet of Origin: P202 Solara / Solara / Astrea          A   755641   B    


                                                                                A Quality: Good, Shipyards: Starships, Repair: Overhaul, Fuel: Refined

                                                                                7 Size: Medium: 7,200 – 8,799km

                                                                                5 Atmosphere:  

                                                                                5 Hydrographic: 

                                                                                6 Population: Moderate - 543 million

                                                                                4 Government

                                                                                1 Law: 

                                                                                B Tech Level: Average Stellar

1st Lt. Gurrifew "Griff" Taron Wa'Tamiyarow  

































DOB:   Sept. 7, 2989

Planet of Origin: Unknown / Unknown / Iskara          ?   ??????    ? 


         Gurrifew Taron of the Tamillarow Clan is the offspring of Prince Gerakee of the Vultani and Llarow of the Aslan Clan Tamitorrow. Because of his outlandish  parentage (aslan barely tolerate diversity within their own gene pool), he and his mother were rejected by her clan. Together, they formed a new clan combining her name with her own clan to create a new one: Tamiyarow.

          Gurrifew Taron found that he fit into neither the avian or the aslan world, so his mother gave him new name – a human one – since he found humans to be friendly and welcoming: Gruffudd “Griff” Taron was popular and excelled as a

student at the Academy. He chose to follow in his mother’s footsteps and joined the Scout Corps as a midshipman. He climbed up the ranks to first lieutenant in record time. A record that stood until the meteoric rise of Lt. Wesley Edwards. 

          Physically, Lt. Taron is unique in every sense of the word. His ZXY chromosomes combined with aslan XY to create a being that is literally half one species and half the other; instead of a combination of both (i.e. a feathery lion with wings). Internally, he is avian to just below his arms and leonid from there down, although externally the feathers do go down to his waist. He literally has the heart of a lion. His wings are much smaller than his avian ancestors. His bones denser and heavier. H lacks the musculature and wing span to fly, but he can glide proficiently. Medical speculation is that if he were to have offspring with another aslan, the children would be 100% aslan.


          Lt. Taron’s mother was aboard the Type F Sargasso when it crashed on Vultan after a fatal misjump. Everyone on board was killed except for her. She was rescued by a Vultani prince, the youngest son of a great house. He personally nursed her back to health and the two fell in love. Using her expertise as a geneticist, they were able to have a single clutch of five offspring. All of them were males, one of whom died in infancy. The Vultani of his family tolerated the hatchlings, finding them exotic and amusing.

          A struggle broke out against a powerful rival house for the throne when the boys were but two. One of the points of conflict was racial purity, and how the “royal line” had been tainted by Prince Gerakee’s indiscretion. Gerakee was not even in the direct line of ascension to the throne; that is until the insurgents killed his grandfather and his numerous uncles.

Left alone to defend his land, Prince Garakee sent his beloved sons and wife away for their safety and the preservation of the line. He entrusted his three younger sons (Keear, Chwick, and Eeya). to the care of three cousins to fly them to safety while, Llarow took Griff and ran for safety. Tragically, she watched from safety as the others were shot from the sky. Obscured by forest tress, Llarow and Gurrifew alone escaped the enemy aerial patrols.

          She hid for months before she was rescued. During that time of introspection, she became embittered against all who caused the loss of her husband and three sons. She thought to keep Gurrifew safe by never revealing the truth of his parentage or that he was the member of the Vultan royal family. Yet, she did leave him a clue should the Maker have other plans. She changed his name to the human Gryffdh, which in an ancient terran tongue means "prince."


Lt Wesley Edwards CSC color.png
Lt. Lenoir Lenny Claiborne CSC color.png
Lt Jason Ling CSC color.png
Lt Vesna Bojana Vasilic CSC color.png
ComSpec Nasrina Lockman CSC color.png
CPO Preston Press Moody CSC color.png
Cmdr Shimarrow CSC color.png
Lt Griff Taron CSC color.png
Captain James S. Lane, CSC color.png
Midshipman Burh Tigrin CSC color.png
Chief Engineer Holda King CSC color.png

He Captain James S. Lane          Midshipman Burh Tigrin          Chief Engineer Holda Kingg 3

2nd Lt. Arnog Lord Brachensclaw CSC color.png
Lisha Levy CSC color.png
Lt Cmdr Lance Corona CSC color.png

  2nd Lt. Arnog Brachensclaw       Engineer Elisha "Lisha" Levy        Lt Cmdr Lance Corona

Chief Mech Harry Harvin CSC color.png
Mechanic J Whitfield Whit Morgan CSC color_edited.jpg
Midshipman Todd Boldwyn CSC color_edited.jpg

  Chief Mech Harry Harvin    Mech J. Whitfield "Whit" Morgan     Midshipman Todd Boldwyn

Midshipman Theo Strang CSC color_edited.jpg
Chief Mechanis Joseph Tambuli CSC color.png
Chief Engineer Florence Gowan CSC color.png

  Midshipman Theodore Strang   Chief Mech Joseph Tambuli     Chief Eng Florence McGavin

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