Star Seeker: Science-Fiction that Matters?
Okay, I'll be the first to admit - it does sound a bit presumptuous - but I had to come up with a memorable tag line. And its not that all the good ones were taken. Instead, I found myself drawn to this one. It stood out from the others on my list for two reasons. The first is the obvious pun (science is, after all, the systematic study of matter). Puns are a personal weakness and this one was just too good to pass up. The second reason, however, the more important of the two, is far more involved and requires a more detailed explanation.
It's no secret that everything we do matters in one way or another; to someone or another, even if it is only to ourselves. It has been said that our time is like a coin. We can spend it anyway we want, but we can only spend it once. Applying that principle to reading, we chose books in the same way. The time invested in one volume means another is neglected. Oh, sure, we may get to those other books on our list someday, but just not right now. Our current title selections can tell a great deal about our priorities and expectations. If we select a book just to fill time, then that is what it does. A book that offers encouragement carries us further.
Star Seeker: Science-Fiction that Matters.